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Academic Difficulties
Academic difficulties in Hong Kong refer to the challenges and obstacles that students may encounter in their pursuit of education within the context of Hong Kong's education system. Hong Kong's education system is known for its competitiveness and the importance it places on academic achievement, which can put enormous pressure on students to excel academically. Mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression or burnout can affect students' academic performance and overall well-being.
我們可以使用不同的測驗和測量方法來評估學生的情況。 例如 Holland Code (霍爾蘭六邊形) 和 DISC 人格行為分析。
除了性格測驗外,我們還會在測驗後進行跟進評估。 並幫助學生找到自己的求學之路和職業道路。
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