Transfer of juvenile courts to adult courts
In Hong Kong, transfer of juvenile court to adult court refers to the process of removing a young person under the age of 18 from the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system to the jurisdiction of the adult criminal justice system. Such transfer usually occurs when the juvenile is charged with a serious criminal offense that is considered to be beyond the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, or when the court decides that the juvenile should be tried as an adult because of the nature or seriousness of the offense.
Regarding the use of a psychiatrist in the diversion process, a mental health assessment may be considered part of the evaluation. A psychiatrist or mental health professional may be involved in evaluating a juvenile offender's mental state, competency, or any mental health condition. These assessments may provide insight into the youth's mental health status and its potential impact on his or her culpability, treatment needs, or suitability for the adult criminal justice system.
對青少年進行全面的法醫評估,以評估與轉移決定相關的各種因素。 這些評估可能包括對個人心理健康、認知能力、成熟度、風險因素和復健能力的評估。
就轉移決定的心理面提供專業意見。 提出他們對心理證據的評估、評估和解釋,以協助法院就轉移做出明智的決定。