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Risk of violence/reoffending

In Hong Kong, risk assessment tools are used to assess the risk of violence or reoffending for individuals involved in the criminal justice system. These assessments are designed to identify factors that may contribute to future violent behavior and to inform decisions related to supervision, treatment and intervention.


These tools include instruments such as the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk (SAVR), the Brief Spousal Assault Form for Risk Evaluation (B-SAFER), or other similar measures.


The use of risk assessment tools can help professionals in the criminal justice system, including probation officers, psychologists, and other relevant personnel, make informed decisions about the management and treatment of individuals involved in the legal system. By assessing the risk of violence or recidivism, appropriate interventions can be implemented to reduce the likelihood of future harm.


利用標準化的評估工具和措施來評估暴力或再次犯罪的風險。 這些工具可能包括經過驗證的量表或問卷,旨在評估與暴力行為或再犯相關的各種風險因素。




我們可能會被要求在與風險評估相關的法律訴訟中提供專家證詞。 法庭可能會根據評估結果了解個人的風險程度以及暴力或再次犯罪的可能性。




為有暴力或再次犯罪風險的個人提供治療介入。 可能提供諮詢、認知行為治療、憤怒管理計劃或其他循證幹預措施,以解決根本問題

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